Whatsapp name
Surely if you're in a WhatsApp group, in which there are people you don't have added to your contacts, the "~" symbol appears under their number followed by a name, right? That is the name that we put, each one, in our profile of this messaging platform. Surely many will not appear that information, right? Below we explain why.
Before we continue, we want to make it clear that whether or not the person's name appears under the phone number has nothing to do with whether a contact has deleted you from their phonebook , has blocked you.That name should always appear, whether you are blocked or not, whether or not you are in his contact list .
To the people who have us in their contacts, we will appear with the name that they have put in their agenda. This is why we want to make it clear that we will only see the "official" name of those people who are not in our contacts.
How to see a person's name on WhatsApp:
We can see it whenever we click on the phone number of a contact that we have not added.
In a group where the WhatsApp account of which we want to know the name appears, we access its information by clicking on the name of the chat. All the information of that chat will open and now we go down until we find one of that person in which only the phone number appears. Now click on it and select the "Info" option. . There we can know what name that person has on their Whatsapp.
We see the information we are looking for
If the name of the person does not appear, we must establish communication with them to be able to see it. Once you write to us, it will appear.
Name does not appear
This way WhatsApp puts an iota of privacy to our number by not showing our name at the first opportunity. It is therefore important not to reply to strangers. Many want us to reply to their messages to see our name, as long as we have it written down.
If you want to gossip with a contact, you just have to start a chat with him. You add it to your contacts as “so and so” and once you have the chat on the screen, you just have to delete the contact, clicking on its name and clicking on the EDIT option. From there, we eliminated contact.With this, the chat is headed with your phone number and not with your name. It is now when we must click on the mobile number that appears at the top of the chat. There we will see the name that person has on WhatsApp.
Don't you see the info, phrase that we put in WhatsApp, of your contact?:
Carrying out this "gossip" has a problem and that is that, after doing it, when we click on the phone number again to add the contact to our agenda, it may be that the "info" does not appear » (phrase that we usually put in our WhatsApp) .
Whatsapp Info
To remedy this, we must delete the contact from WhatsApp and re-enter it directly from the mobile's agenda. By doing this, when entering the app, clicking on the contact we will see that it has, again, the "info" available.
Increase your privacy on WhatsApp with this trick:
Knowing all this, if you don't want anyone to identify you with your phone number, you should put anything in that part other than your name. For example, we have the forbidden sign emoticon on.
I have the FORBIDDEN emoticon on
That is why we encourage you not to put your name on WhatsApp. Put anything else. In this way, when a stranger contacts us to know our name, we will not give him that pleasure.
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