
We can now use the Safari translation of iOS 14 in Spain

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Safari translation is now available

Before the release of iOS 14, rumors started of the possibility of Apple developing its own translator, which would also be included natively in Safari . These rumors became reality with the release of iOS 14.

We could see how Apple presented a native translation app for the iPhone and iPad and, in addition, its integration into the browser Safari But, unfortunately, this last function was only planned in certain countries like the US.Until now, it has been expanding to more countries, including España

The iOS Safari translation will be activated in more and more countries

The operation of this new feature couldn't be easier. To be able to use it, all we have to do is access any web page from our iPhone or iPad and follow a few simple steps.

The function in Safari

When we are on the website we want to translate we have to press “aA” on the left side of the search bar and then select Translate to the English/Spanish/Language that we want The following will be to accept that this function is activated and the web will be reloaded with the translation of the language that we have chosen.

The languages ​​that this feature of Safari allows us to translate into are the ones we have added to our system. In order for it to give us the option of translating into a specific language, we will have to add it from the System Settings.

Our website translated with the Safari function

In the Settings we will have to follow the following path: General>Language and region In Language and region we can add the languages ​​we want. In this way, when using the translation of Safari of iOS 14, it will give us the option to choose the language to which we want to translate.

What do you think about this new feature for Safari from iOS 14? We have tested it and we have to say that its translations, in the languages ​​we know, are quite good. It is, of course, an easy way to translate websites without using third-party apps.