
iOS 14.1 has reset default apps

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iOS 14.1 has arrived with a conspicuous bug

One of the most outstanding new features of iOS 14 was the possibility to change certain default apps for others. Specifically, it was the applications of mail managers and Internet browsers.

Numerous users made use of this possibility from the beginning. And, thanks to this function, instead of using Mail of iOS by obligation, we could automatically replace it with our favorite mail app . And the same happens with Safari, performing all browser tasks with the one chosen by us.

Resetting default apps when updating is probably a bug

But, a bug in iOS 14.1, has caused the applications selected by users to have been restarted. Thus, the default apps for the system have reappeared, and when doing something related to mail and the browser, iOS used Safari and Mail

This happens every time users update the default app of choice. This way, if you use Chrome as the default browser, and you update its app, it will reappear as the default app Safari And the same happens with the managers email.

Gmail on iOS

In any case, the possibility of choosing those apps has not disappeared and we can reconfigure them. To do this we only have to go, in the Settings, to the mail or browser app that we want to use by default and click on it.When we have pressed it, we just have to reactivate the option to select it as the default app.

We're guessing this is basically due to a bug in the iOS 14 update Mostly because Apple announced the ability to switch apps as a feature ofiOS 14, and there would be no point in making that possibility disappear. And you, had you changed the default system apps?