Radar Covid the Coronavirus tracking app
In times of pandemic, any tool that helps contain it is welcome. One of them is Radar Covid, an application that allows you, via Bluetooth, to track if you have been close to someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus. It's one of the iPhone apps that EVERYONE should install on our devices.
Knowing that you have been exposed to the virus is essential to controlling it. Once you receive the notice, like the one we show you in the image that heads this article, we can let the relevant authorities know and, thus, be able to go for the famous PCR tests.
But this is useless if what we comment below is not fulfilled.
The Coronavirus tracking app is not compatible with all iPhones:
Covid Radar Screenshots for iPhone
Being the app that it is and what it means for society today, it's something unspeakable that it's not compatible with many iPhone that still work like a charm but don't may have the latest versions of iOS installed.
We say all this because Covid Radar is compatible with devices running iOS 13.5 or higher. So what about iPhone 6 and below that can't update beyond iOS 12.4.8?.
There are many iPhone users who own this terminal, and previous models, who are going to stop being able to use this application that is so important for everyone at this time.The iPhone 6s continue to work very well and many people who can help track Covid-19 with their phones would be left out.
We don't know why Apple has decided that the protocol, for the app to track, works from iOS 13.5 On Android supports Android 6 released in 2015. We think it's essential that you make it compatible with devices running at least iOS 12 although we would go further and make it compatible up toiOS 9
In addition, it also has other bugs that affect disabled people by not working with Voice over . They cannot even accept the privacy policy to be able to use the application.
We hope you agree with us and that you share this article on your social networks and messaging apps. This is something that Apple should change, if it can, surely it can. We also hope that it will also make CovidRadar compatible with Voice Over.