
Spotify becomes more social with this new feature

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A social feature comes to Spotify

The confinement that is being suffered in a large part of the world due to the Coronavirus COVID–19 pandemic, has made numerous apps they become more discharged. Among them are the video calls apps, as well as numerous social apps that allow us to be closer to our loved ones.

We have also seen how apps that are not so social and not designed to be at home adapted to these strange times. And one of those apps is Spotify which, although it can be used anywhere, is not as social as others.But this new feature adds a social and outreach feature to the most popular streaming music app.

Group session feature makes Spotify much more social in this age of distancing

This new feature was announced a while ago, but it's starting to be available now. These are the so-called group sessions. These group sessions allow several people to listen to the same music in a group, but at a distance.

Group Session Connection

In this way, people who are not in the same place can listen to the same playlist, the same album or the same song at the same time. Something that can be very practical and also allows you to discover new music.

To activate it, all you have to do is start playing something and, at the bottom, click on the icon that allows you to access the playback and device settings.Once there you have to go to the bottom and share, with whoever you want, the reproduction code of the group session.

The code to share

Yes, to be able to use this function, all users must have a Premium subscription to the Spotify service. The function is appearing gradually for all users and, the only thing necessary to be able to use it, in addition to having the Premium service, is to have the app updated.