Blocked on WhatsApp
We've all asked ourselves this question at some time: "has he blocked me?" But surely, we have never found an answer and we have always done as if nothing had happened. But from today, we will know first hand if we have really been blocked or not in WhatsApp.
Whatsapp has become the messaging app par excellence and that is why it is the most widely used. What's more, we no longer imagine a mobile phone without this app installed or any of the same type. Without a doubt, it has been a change in which we have been submerged without almost realizing it.
Tests to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp:
In the following video we tell you what happens, live, when you block someone on WhatsApp. We recommend you watch it to draw your own conclusions:
Next we are going to explain, point by point, the steps we must follow, to find out if any of our contacts have blocked us:
1- Check the last connection time:
First of all, and the first thing that will catch our attention, is that the other user's time doesn't change . This means that your last connection remains the same day after day. In this case, we can already begin to suspect that he has either blocked us or changed his number.
Warning: Here you have to bear in mind that a contact may have hidden the time of their last connection.
2- Do you see the profile picture and/or its info?
Another piece of information that will make us see that they have blocked us on WhatsApp is their profile picture and info . In this case, we will see that both one and the other do not appear. That is to say that we do not see his profile picture or his info (text that we all put with some phrase or information), . These will appear completely blank to us and we will not see any of your profile updates.
Obviously, we won't see their States either. If it was a person who used to post videos or photos on his status, now we won't be able to see them.
Watch out. As for the profile photo, if we see it blank, it may be that you have it configured so that only your contacts can see it. If so, we can intuit that we may be blocked or that he has simply removed us from his mobile contacts.
Also be careful with the issue of the profile photo, because many people do this TRICK to hide their photo from any contact.
3- How many checks does your message have?
We will also see that if we send him a message, only a single check will appear. Nothing we send will ever reach him and the double check will never appear.
Warning: It may be that you have disabled WhatsApp and that's why we only see a check.
4- Invite your contact to a group:
A litmus test that will really show us if he has blocked us or not, will be invite that user to a group Create a test group and add it. After carrying out this step and consulting the group participants, we will see that this person does not appear, even after having introduced them.
This trick may not be 100% effective since WhatsApp has implemented a new function in the privacy of our account, which allows you to control who can add you to groups, selectively.
5- Try all this from another mobile to confirm the block:
If we still don't have it clear, the last step that remains is to try from another Smartphone. If when performing this step, we see that all of the above does not happen, we can confirm that we have been blocked.
Performing all these checks, we will see if we have been blocked on Whatsapp or not.
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