
Coronavirus App with data on infected cases in the world

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Coronavirus App

He althLynked Covid-19 tracker is one of the iPhone applications that allows us to be updated in terms of data and statistics, about everything, of infection and mortality of the Coronavirus worldwide.

It has global and country-by-country statistics on the impact of Covid-19 on society. All the data is updated and you will be able to see the evolution, for example, of the disease in your country.

It is a way to avoid all kinds of information if you want to see only the infection data in the world or your country.

Coronavirus App to see statistics on the impact of Covid-19:

In the following video you can see how this app works:

Personally I am a person who likes to be informed of everything but, given the situation we find ourselves in, I prefer to do it punctually 1 or 2 times a day. Spending all day watching the news, statistics, and personal situations makes me worry more than normal and makes me invade a state of pessimism and negativity that can take me.

That's why I downloaded this app to enter and just see the evolution of this damn virus, in my country and worldwide.

With He althlynked Covid-19 tracker, although the app is in English, we have access to the world map of the impact of the virus in all countries. By clicking on the “Show Map” option, we can access all the updated data on the coronavirus worldwide.

COVID-19 data map

It is not necessary to translate each of the elements that appear on the map because they are understood. By clicking on them, they appear at the top of the screen, we can make only the variables that interest us appear. Confirmed cases (WHO Confirmed) , deaths (WHO Deaths) , All variables (All) . We can zoom and navigate to any corner of the planet.

If we click on the option in the lower menu «DashBoard», we access the statistical data of the planet.

Statistical numbers of coronavirus cases

By clicking on each of the variables, a list is displayed with the statistics for each country in order from most to least cases.

At the top right of this screen, we have the update button. By pressing it, the statistics will be updated as long as they have undergone some change.

The app provides a lot of information and articles about this virus, but yes, it's all in English.

Do your bit and say what situation you are in in terms of Covid-19 infection:

At the bottom of the "DashBoard" screen, the "Help Track COVID-19" button appears. This is used by the app to collect statistics and try, anonymously, to alert people in your area in case there is a positive case. Something very interesting for all of us.

We have already contributed our grain of sand. If you contribute your situation, please, do not lie. At this point, lying is useless. Be sincere. If you are not going to be, it is better not to contribute.

If you are interested, you can download the app from the following link.

Download COVID-19 app

Without further ado and hoping that this bad dream will pass soon, we can only give you a big hug and encouragement to overcome this extreme situation in which we are submerged.

Greetings and strength.