
Clash Royale Season 7 is Here: Lunar Festival

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The seventh season of Clash Royale is here

Christmas is over everywhere in the world. And with it has also come to an end the sixth season of Clash Royale, Clashvidad. But, as usual, the following season, the seventh of the game is now available with all its new features.

This new season is called Lunar Festival and, as always, if we have reached the Legendary Arena, we will see the first change in the game, the new Arena. This new Arena of this new season of Clash Royale has festive motifs of lanterns and orientals, in homage to the festivity it celebrates.

The new Clash Royale Season 7 Arena is called Peak of Serenity

As in the rest of the seasons, in this seventh season we have reward marks. In this case, these brands that depend on the Pass Royale, are a total of 35. And it will be possible to unlock, if the Royale pass is acquired, a festive appearance for the tower of crowns and a emoji of the new card: the Firethrower

The New Arena

The new card, the Fire Launcher, is also related to the Lunar Festival The character, reminiscent of the boatgirls, shoots fireworks at both structures and troops from time to time . He has great speed, some recoil and his attack does splash damage.

Firethrower is a card that can be unlocked in a challenge from the start, and then there will be subsequent challenges to learn how to play it. Others are also planned to get rewards and, probably, emojis.

The reward brands

With this season 7 of Clash Royale also comes some balance tweaks on the cards. Balanced Night Witch by reducing the spawn time of the first bat and making its first attack slower.

The range of the angler's anchor is also extended but its charge time is increased. Lastly, all Elixir Golem forms have a 6% drop in he alth, which was to be expected as it's one of the most heavily played cards.

All these are the changes of this season 7 of Clash Royale. The Clashvidad set the bar very high, managed to overcome the Lunar Festival?