
News on SNAPCHAT: Virtual drawing in 3D

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News on Snapchat

We are fans of Snapchat We have been using it for years and it is, for us, the best social network out there. In countries like USA, England, Australia, Canada, Arab countries it is one of the most used social applications. In Spain and other countries it has not materialized for different reasons that many of us know, but it seems that little by little it is taking off.

It is partly thanks to the new features that are added to the app with each update. They recently implemented the ability to share Reddit posts directly to Snapchat and in the latest update they added two interesting features that we'll tell you about below.

Draw using virtual reality, add filters depending on the environment you're in, solve math operations :

When accessing the application we see that things have changed when we give a simple touch on the screen:

New options on Snapchat

We can see how at the bottom, some menus appear among which "Create" and "Scan" stand out. "Explore" which is underlined in yellow is the screen where all the filters appear and "Explore" with the magnifying glass icon, allows us to search for all types of lenses.


It is a new function that allows us to draw in 3D virtually.

Virtual 3D Drawing

We select the type of stroke we want to use, we can change the color, the thickness, if we want symmetry in the drawing and we can create a virtual drawing.

As you can see, on the right side of the record button, there are more tools with which we can create 3D texts, modify lenses, create custom backgrounds is brutal.


This function can be activated by tapping on that button or by holding down the screen. You will see how some musical notes appear and, after a short time, you will see suggested lenses. If you don't like them, tap the screen again.

Suggested Snapchat Lenses

Snapchat will analyze the image you're focusing on and offer you recommended filters to use in that environment.

Also, as you can see, two options appear to the left of the record button. One with the image of a musical note and another with mathematical signs.

If we press the musical note it will tell us the song that is playing and will allow us to listen to it and provide us with information about it.

If we select the math icon, it lets us know the answer to any math operation we focus on. We have to focus it, keep the screen pressed and it will give us the result.

Mathematical operation solved with Snapchat

From now on, we have available these interesting news with which we can get much more out of Snapchat.
