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Very eye-catching puzzle game

puzzle and puzzle games are very present in the App Store In fact, they are one of the most popular game categories triumph in the app store of iOS Today we are talking about one that has all the possible details, that is very careful and that all its aspects make it incredible to play: Starman.

In Starman: Tale of Light, we have to guide Starman through various levels, which are made up of more than a stage. Each scenario is a puzzle in itself.And we have to complete all of them so that the character can finally collect the stars or lights that appear at the end of the levels.

Starman stands out both because of his levels, which are all different, as well as his design and music

To complete the levels we will have to interact with the different elements of them. These elements are very varied, but we have to keep in mind, at all times, that light plays the most important role in the game.

One of the game levels

If we keep this in mind, it will be easier to complete the scenarios and levels since the light is very present in them. At the end of each of the levels, we will have to throw the lights collected at the end of them into our campfire, which will make them become something completely unexpected.

Both the levels in general and the scenarios in particular have a aesthetic that is very striking and neat. Also, the music that accompanies them is perfect for them. Without a doubt, you will have a better experience if you play in the dark and with headphones.

The scene when completing the levels

If you like puzzle games and puzzle we can't do more than recommend the game since both its levels and the stages and the music that accompanies them will make you want to complete it. You can download it below.