The news has just broken and it is that Telegram, in its two versions, has disappeared from the App Store. Several Reddit users have noticed and this has come to the fore.
You can see for yourself. Enter the App Store and look for both Telegram and its version Telegram X Do you see it? If you see it, it is because the problem that, apparently, they have had in this great instant messaging service has been solved. The app that is eating ground, little by little, from the all-powerful Whatsapp.
Why has Telegram disappeared from the App Store?
It's all a mystery. It's vanished from the Apple app store overnight,for no reason.
Its creator, Pavel Durov, has already answered someone on twitter who has asked for the reason for this disappearance. Pavel responded as follows
Reason why Telegram has disappeared
We translate what it says there
Apple alerted us that inappropriate content was made available to our users and both apps were removed from the App Store. Once we have safeguards in place we hope the apps will be back on the App Store.
So it was because of that. Apparently access to inappropriate content by users has caused the app to be removed from the app store. But what will that inappropriate content be? downloads? access to free content?
February 5 was revealed and we already know the why Apple removed Telegram from the App Store. It's something VERY FAT!!!.
For the rest, soon, both should return to the App Store. Of course, it will surely do so with an update that corrects what the apps do not comply with the bases established by Apple for the publication of applications.
Update at 7:30 p.m. (1-2-2018):
Telegram and Telegram X are again available on the APP STORE.