
Video chat on Youtube. We explain how it works

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There is nothing better than experimenting to learn how the new features of the applications work that almost all of us have on our iPhone and iPad.That is what we have done before the arrival of the new function of Youtube chat.

Surely many of you don't see any use for this new way of sharing videos. We can tell you that it may be difficult to add it to our mobile usage habits, but surely in the future all lovers of this video platform will use it.

After updating our iPhone to the new version of the official app, we started tinkering. Once we know how this novelty works, we will explain how it works below.


The operation of this new way of sharing videos is very simple.

As soon as we see a video that we want to share, we simply click on it and when it starts playing, click on the "SHARE" option.

If you have an open conversation, from the conversation itself and by clicking on the add video option, which appears in the lower right part of the screen, we can also select the video we want to share.

By doing this, a list of contacts or people we may know will be displayed. In it, we select the people or person with whom we want to share the video.

Share videos via chat

Select the contact(s), write a text at the bottom, where it says "Say something" and send.

The other person(s) receiving the video you shared will receive a message like this

Youtube chat interface

They will now be able to see it, reply to you, send another video, etc. Also, while we are watching a video shared by the Youtube chat, we can write.

Youtube Chat

When messages are received, they will be notified by notifications from our iPhone or iPad,as long as we have them activated .

To see all the message history, we have to enter the lower menu option «ACTIVITY». There they will all appear in the "SHARED" tab. In "NOTIFICATIONS" we will see the typical messages we receive in our videos.


What do you think? We love it.