You could see it coming. The announced appearance of Super Mario Run on iOS,for December, has given wings to many developers who have gotten down to work to get clones of this classic game that all of us have played at some point in our lives.
And the fact is that the appearance of the flagship of Nintendo in the App Store, it's going to be a BOOM!!! similar to the one caused by Pokemon GO! He's going to be talking about it, for long days.You will see how in December, the news about Mario Bros on iPhone and iPad are going to bore us with so many that are going to come out.
But getting back to the point, we are going to unmask an app that on the outside has nothing to do with Mario, but on the inside it is a very successful clone of said game .
The app that allows us to download the clone of Super Mario Bros, is Super Jungle Adventures
As you can see, both the icon and the images have nothing to do with what it really is
Yes, many of you will be freaking out, right? By downloading the game, we can play Mario Bros on iPhone and iPad, with its typical soundtrack.
It is very successful and the truth is that it is very addictive.
It has many differences from the official Super Mario Run app. The controls, the graphics and the interface, which will be vertical, is what differs from the future Mario for iOS.
Of course, we're doing its developer a disservice. As soon as Nintendo or Apple become aware of its existence, they will remove it from the App Store.
Also its creator wants to take advantage of the pull and has flooded the app to get some money. It will always appear at the beginning of each game. It's somewhat intrusive, but it can be put up with.
Therefore, if you want to download the game, before it disappears, take advantage and click HERE.
If you can't wait for December, this app will help you warm up your engines until Super Mario Run for iPhone and iPad appears.