Have you ever considered whether to charge the iPhone battery in the best way to try to extend its life? Surely, like us, many of you plug it into the electricity, especially at night, and once you get up you disconnect it and enjoy, right?
Today we are going to talk about how important the temperature to which we expose our devices is every day, an environmental factor that can make the battery life and durability of the iPhone and iPad,may be greatly diminished.
In addition to the ambient temperature, it is also very important that the device is sufficiently "ventilated" to avoid excessive temperatures during charging.
iPhone, iPad and iPod TOUCH Battery Tips:
According to what we have read on the official website of Apple, the ideal temperature in which our device should work varies between 0º and 35º Celsius.
It is clear that if you live in areas where these values are exceeded, above or below, the device will not stop working, but it may be that the performance is reduced and that the consumption is a little higher.
If you look closely at the previous photograph, at the bottom it says "Storage Temperature", which will surely catch your attention. This is neither more nor less than the range of temperatures at which an iPhone can be stored, that is not going to be used, so that it does not spoil.
Another important thing that has to do with temperature is how hot the device can get while charging. If you use a case and notice that when charging the mobile or tablet, it gets very hot, it is highly recommended to remove it while charging. This will make the iPhone, iPad and iPod TOUCH battery perform better and last us much longer in good condition.
Doesn't anyone take it away? We recommend that, from now on, you do it for the benefit of the battery.
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