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Save money on your mobile data bill, if you belong to an operator that bills you for excess MB, or do not cross the red line from which you will have much slower browsing, by spending your mobile data. DataWiz accurately monitors the use of your mobile device and predicts its future usage.

The app uses innovative technology that gives you the power to take control of your mobile data plan and keep expenses within your limits. With an attractive interface, easy to use, with easy-to-understand graphics, regular alerts, set the limits and never exceed them.


And we've tried many apps of this style and we haven't liked any of them more than DataWiz . Here we pass you the main features of this application:

When entering the app, the first thing we must do is configure the data on our mobile rate, filling in a series of fields. If you want to know more about how to configure the app, we recommend you visit the following TUTORIAL.

After this we will access the main screen of the app:

In it we see, in the central part, a large circle where we can consult the cost we are making per day. At the bottom we see the weekly and monthly spending, with the consumption limits that we have established in one of them.

By clicking on the great circle, the “WEEK” or “MONTH” option we will see that the data it offers varies. We can see it in absolute data, MB, or as a percentage to know what percentage of mobile data we have spent.

At the bottom we have three buttons:

Under these buttons, we have another with which we can access a graph to consult the data consumed by hours, weeks and months

But if you've been wanting to know more, here's a video where we show you the app's interface and how this magnificent APPerla works:


The app by interface and operation seems to us to be one of the best of its kind. There is none, that we have seen, that surpasses it in interface and in interpretation of the information it offers.

Well, it is true that many companies have a specific application, with which we can consult all kinds of information regarding data consumption, such as the app provided by Pepephone. But it is also true that many other companies, especially the most important ones, do not offer this service through an application, so we must resort to apps like, in this case, DataWiz

First of all, let's say that these types of apps have the difficult function of counting our mobile data consumption, which is not easy at all. And we say this because the data they provide us is not 100% reliable. DataWiz isn't entirely reliable, but it's one of the most accurate we've tested.

This does not mean that the data it offers is bad, the only thing we warn you about is not to trust 100% of it. Based on our experience with it, we can say that the reliability of the information it provides us is 95%. In 2 years it has failed us 3 times.

For the rest we see a great app that, despite being in English, is very easy to configure, interpret and that will surely help you control, much better, the consumption of mobile data from your terminal.


Annotated version: 1.14


Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.