
Videos of physical exercises with SWORKIT PRO

Table of contents:


We tell you that the application is in English, but the videos and images that appear will clear up any doubts that may arise. In addition, we will explain a little about each of the options that will appear in the app below. Read on and learn with us about Sworkit PRO


In this application we can choose the duration of our training and go to the different areas to create the perfect training anywhere and at any time. There are no weights or additional equipment required.

As soon as we enter we come across its main screen where we will have to choose what kind of exercise we want to do:

In the upper left part, we have a button that will give us access to the side menu of the app from where we can configure it, activate reminders, see our progress

Focusing now on the main screen, you will see that the following options appear:

Here we will find exercises based on STRENGTH and CARDIO. We enter and the different tables to perform will appear. We choose the one that best suits what we want to do.

After this we choose the minutes we have available to do gymnastics.

We begin to perform the exercise table. The exercise videos are very good:

In this section, we will find YOGA and STRETCHING exercises.

The procedure to follow is the same as in the exercises for Strength and Cardio.

In this option we will have the possibility to create our personalized training.

We will have the possibility of creating a table of exercises at our convenience and choosing, one by one, the exercises. To do this, click on the button « DESIGN NEW WORKOUT «.

But we can also choose between the exercise tables that appear at the bottom, setting times. their titles are very descriptive of the purpose of each of the tables. If you don't know what they mean, we recommend you translate it with the app GOOGLE TRANSLATOR

It gives us the option to download the app NEXERCISE , an application with which we can lose weight in a fun and easy way and with which we can also get in shape.

How you see how SworKit works is very simple: we choose the type of exercise we want to do, select exercises, set a time and start sweating.

As main features of the app we can highlight:

Here is a video where you can see how the app works:


Possibly one of the apps that best represents the way to perform the exercises that it puts us in each of the training tables that it provides us.

Easy to use and with an intuitive interface, which even though it is in English is perfectly understood.

We loved it and the truth is that we have replaced our old app for our daily training with SworKit PRO.

The exercise videos are one of the best we've seen in the apps of this category in the APP STORE.

From APPerlas we encourage you to try it so you can draw your own conclusions. This app is paid, but it has a free version, and something disabled, that will allow you to try it at no cost. Click HERE to download it.


Annotated version: 3.0.1


Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.