The features that this app offers us are:
- Search for a video while watching another.
- Subscribe to your favorite channels and you can easily access them from the Guide.
- Log in to see the Watch Later list.
- Browse playlists and use the button to play all their videos in a row.
- Share videos on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and by mail
When entering the app, it will ask us to register or access our YOUTUBE accountIf you don't have it, nothing happens, ignore it and use the app without an account (there is an option for this) and continue until you come to the main screen (Click or hover over the white circles to learn more about the interface) :
Many of you will know how to use it, so this explanation that we are going to give below is more focused on people who don't know how to use it.
On the main screen we see a series of videos classified into different categories. If one of them catches our attention, we click on it to view it.
If we want to search for one in particular or on a topic, it is best to use the search engine that appears at the top right of the screen. In it we put the word or phrase on which we want to find any video and the app will look for the ones that best suit the search carried out.
If we click on the button that appears in the upper left part, characterized by three horizontal stripes and parallel to each other, we access the app menu where we can access the application settings and access the best videos from YOUTUBE It also gives us the option to log in to access more functionality.
If we access our account, as you can see in the following image, many more options will appear in the side menu.
We always recommend using YOUTUBE with a user account. We can subscribe to our favorite channels, share content, vote for videos, use the "watch later" function, a lot of functions that will make you enjoy this video platform much more.
We also want to tell you about one of the functions that we like the most. When we are watching a video and we want to search for another, we can do it without stopping watching the video that we are playing at that moment. This is done by clicking on the "v" option that will appear in the upper left part of the video that we are watching with the device vertically. Doing this will minimize playback and allow us to search.
If what we want is to exit viewing a video, we follow the indicated steps and when it is minimized in the lower right part of the screen, we will slide it to the left or right to eliminate it.
Here we pass you a video in which you can see its operation and interface:
We know that there are many other YouTube managers that have many more functions than the official app.There are many with which we can download videos, music, create music lists, but we can tell you that, as a video viewer and manager of our account, none reaches the level of the official app of YOUTUBE
As we said at the beginning of the article, we have tested many apps of this type and we stayed with the official app.
Once you learn to use it, which is done in a very short time, it becomes an indispensable app on any device.
It also has a function that we love and that is to be able to watch the videos that we want, right on our television. We pass you a tutorial in which we explain how to do it. Click HERE to access it.
For all this, if you are users or want to start using YOUTUBE, we encourage you to try the official app, it sure won't let you down.
Annotated version: 2.7.1
Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.