As a social network, we must register in it to be able to access its content and upload our own photos.
After registering, we access the app where we find its main screen (click or pass the cursor over the white circles to learn more about the interface):
To access these impressive images, all we have to do is navigate through the menus that appear on the main screen.Sliding each one of them from right to left, and vice versa, we will be visualizing places, users, photos by categories. . We will click on any of the places, users or categories and enjoy the landscape.
The menus that appear are:
Once we agree to see one of these 360 degree photos, we can view it by rotating our iPhone or iPad and moving the image thanks to the use of our device's gyroscope. We can also move the image with our finger, if we don't want to lurch with the terminal ?
As you can see, a share button appears at the bottom of the screen. If we press it we can share the photo on different social networks, mark it with a "LIKE" and even comment on it.
But the thing doesn't stop there. We can also take our 360 degree photos and upload them to Sphere. On the main screen we have the "+" button with which we can upload, capture or use the GALILEO accessory, to do so.
We have prepared a tutorial for you to learn how to make them, step by step. Click HERE to access it.
Here is a video where you can see the interface and operation of this magnificent APPerla:
Maravillados we have been to try the app and see different images in 360 degrees. They are really impressive and with them you can get a better idea of what a specific place is like.
The typical photographs that we can take and see daily, only show us an area of a certain place. In Sphere you can enjoy a place in all its splendor.
But not everything is pretty in the app. As a place to view images it is a joy, but as an app to capture our own 360 degree photos, it is somewhat complicated to use. The capture interface is fantastic and the instructions to take the photos are very good, but it is very difficult to square the photos to be able to see them well. We must be very patient and have a very good pulse to get a good result.
The developers recommend us to use this app with MOTRR GALILEO , an accessory with which we can take 360 degree captures easily and very effectively, with spectacular results. In fact we believe that almost all the photographs exhibited in the Sphere , are made with this device.
But leaving aside the issue of capturing these types of images, we recommend you try the app because it is very worth it to be able to enjoy, in 360 degrees, wonderful places on our planet.
Annotated version: 3.5.4
Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.