
The best app for PLANNING VACATIONS is called KEYDATES

Table of contents:



To rest as many days as possible with the least use of vacation days, the first thing we will have to do is choose the vacation days we want to use, turning the "wheel" at the bottom of the screen, in which we will select the days that we want to spend.

Depending on when we want to use them, we must decide the range of weeks in which we would like to rest.This is selected with the scroll that we have at the top. We will move it by choosing the range of weeks, from today's date, in which we would like to go on vacation.

After this, a list will appear in which it will tell us the rest days we have and the number of vacation days we are going to spend, ordered from more rest days to fewer. This app is fantastic for managing and getting the most out of long weekends and holidays.

In our example we see, for example, that by choosing 10 days of our vacation, we can get to rest 19 days taking advantage of the dates of Easter, or taking advantage of the festivities that take place in December. Isn't that great?

In addition, by clicking on the calendar icon, which we have next to each possible rest period, our vacation period will automatically be added to our iOS calendar.

Here's a video where you can see how the app works and its interface:


Great, fantastic, very useful any adjective is not enough for this great tool to plan vacations.

That's right, this won't do any good for people who can't choose their vacation days. It will only work for workers who have the privilege of managing their vacation days as they please.

In addition, from the application's SETTINGS, we can add local festivities that are not normally marked on the Keydates calendar.

An application to take into account and get ahead of our colleagues when choosing the best days to enjoy our vacations to the fullest.

Annotated version: 1.0.1


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