
Create video collage with VID COLLAGE and share them on Instagram

Table of contents:



On the main screen we see two options with which we can create collages:

  • Collage videos and photos:

With this option we can choose 9 videos or photos from our reel, to create a collage. To do this we must choose at least one video. If this is more than 15 seconds, we must cut it using the tool that the app offers us.

We will choose the videos or photos one by one and these will be added at the bottom of the screen.

After selecting, we will press the « NEXT » button and we will arrive at the screen where the collage will be shown and from where we can change its composition, change the outline of the videos and photos, move and zoom on each one of them.

Then we will access the phase where we can add music, or not, to our creation and where we can give more importance to the melody or the ambient sound of a video.

And finally we come to the part where we can add a cover to our video collage, adding text and date to it. We can choose between different formats.

After this, we will press « SAVE » and our creation will be saved in the reel of our iPhone .

  • Split a long video:

For those with long videos and that you want to share in their entirety on instagram, this option will interest you since it will divide videos of up to 135 seconds into 9 parts of 15 seconds, which you can play sequentially or all at the same time , as configured by your collage.

The video collage creation process is similar to the previous option.

As you can see, it's very easy to use.

To better appreciate the interface and operation of the app, here is a video:


We have been pleasantly surprised by this curious way of creating video collages to later share them on our social networks, such as Instagram .

Being able to see how 9 videos are played at the same moment and in 9 different windows, draws a lot of attention. Thanks to this, if you use your imagination you can create very good montages.

Until we found out about the existence of this app, we had never seen a collage of this type and the truth is that we loved it. In addition, the app is very easy to use and quite intuitive.

We recommend you try it, it's a completely free app.

Annotated version: 1.1


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