
WAG ME on your iPhone with the MeneAppMe app

Table of contents:


In it we will see the most "shaky" news of the moment. To read them we simply have to click on the one we want and we will access its content.

On this screen we see that a submenu appears at the bottom with which we can share the news on different platforms, make reading more enjoyable using Readability (armchair image), shake it (vote) by clicking on the button characterized by an arrow with the type of snake and, finally, comment and see comments on the news by clicking on the fourth of the buttons that appear.

Going back to the main screen, we see that the application menu appears at the bottom:

  • PORTADA: Screen that we access every time we access the app and that shows us the most shaken or voted news.
  • PENDIENTES: News recently shared by Menéame users will appear and are waiting to be voted positively to give them as good, or to be voted negatively to be removed from the platform.

  • USUARIO: If we are registered in we will have access to our user data, where we can see our karma (score) our Ranking on the platform, news sent, votes In addition, by clicking on the "SEND STORY" button we can send a piece of news that seems interesting to Menéame, after filling in some information.

  • SEARCH: We can search for news referring to a specific term. For example, if we want to know the news that has been generated about APPLE, we can use the term and it will appear on the screen.

Every time we want to update the news that appears on the front page or pending, we must move our finger down the screen. Doing this will update the content.

It also has Multi-Touch gestures to speed up our use of the application.


Here we report a video where we show you the interface and easy handling of this complete application with which to be very well informed:


For us it is one of the essential platforms to be well informed and leave aside the political biases of some newspapers.

It is also an application that is very easy to use and you can get hold of it in a few seconds.


Annotated version: 1.0.1