
Make your iPhone a text translator with the EASY TRANSLATION app

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Easy Translation

We already know that there are numerous apps dedicated to working as text translators, such as APPerla PREMIUM GOOGLE TRANSLATOR , but EASY TRANSLATION has surprised us with its fantastic interface and good translation results.

We aim that it supports about 32 languages.


As we can see in the image above, we have before us a simple main screen in which we can translate any type of text written by us or spoken out loud.

The text can be as long as you like and the result of the translation is, as expected, quite good.


To translate a text, the first thing we must do is choose the languages ​​with which we want to interact. To do this, we will click on the flags that appear on the left side of the screen and we will choose the language of origin (flag at the top) and the destination language (flag at the bottom).

Once the languages ​​have been chosen, we are ready to introduce the text that we want to translate. To do this, we can do it in two ways:

By voice by pressing the microphone that appears in the lower right part of the square where you can enter the text.

Writing the same by touching the translation square and entering the text to translate. At the end we will click on the green button that appears in the upper right part.

Introduced the writing to translate, to get it translated we must click on the button, characterized by a globe with an orange arrow, and that divides the two white squares on the screen:

After performing this action we will see the translation:

We can also quickly exchange languages ​​by clicking on the button between the two flags and characterized by two arrows pointing to opposite sides.


Once the text has been translated, we can perform various actions. To do this we must click on the "share" item that we have on the right side of each of the text boxes:

If we press them, the following options will appear:

  • CANCEL: We will cancel the sharing.
  • DELETE: We will delete the content written in the selected text box.
  • TEXT MESSAGE: We will send the selected text via SMS to the person we want.
  • EMAIL: We will create an email with the chosen text.
  • COPY: We will copy to the clipboard and we can paste the content of the text we choose, anywhere we want, be it whatsapp, twitter, facebook, document

There are many times that the translated or written text does not fit in the squares designated for it. If we want to access all the text, we advise you to click on the text square you want.


We highlight the simple and fantastic interface of this application, the speed of translation and its efficiency.

It's going to compete in a category full of very good apps, but of all those tested by the APPerlas team and leaving aside the Google translation app, we can say that it's one of the best we've tested.

To download it click below: