
The APP with the best images of animals in Europe

Table of contents:


  • START HERE: From this option we can investigate at will throughout the app's photo library. It can be viewed both vertically and horizontally. We will discuss the interface later, in this same post. We must say that once we start browsing PHOTOPEDIA this menu will be called "CONTINUE" where we can access the last photograph viewed.
  • STORIES: Information about different animals appears. A list of them will appear and we will click on the one we want to deepen.Normally the information that appears to us is in English, but most of the time the images speak for themselves.
  • FRANCE: This option changes over time and will offer us pp from the PHOTOPEDIA saga.
  • WILD WONDERS OF EUROPE: Tells us about the company that has taken the photos displayed in the application.
  • SLIDE SHOW: Animal images will appear randomly. If we want to delve into any of them, we must press the screen and click on the "STOP" option. Once this is done we can access more information about it.
  • MY FAVORITES: The list of animals that we have cataloged as favorites will appear.
  • ADJUSTES: We will access the application settings.
  • AVANCES: Gives us access to the different PHOTOPEDIA applications.


The buttons appear at the top of the screen:

  • “ BACK ” characterized by an arrow pointing left.
  • “ HOME ” (house image) with which we can return to the main menu of the app.
  • The name of the place viewed and the photographs of this site that exist in PHOTOPEDIA will appear.
  • “ FAVORITES ” (star) will give us access to our favorites.
  • “ COMPARTIR we can share the place that we are viewing in different social networks, email or even put the photo as wallpaper in our terminal.

On the left side of the screen there are some buttons with which we can (commented from top to bottom):

  • PLAY ” we will automatically scroll through photos, as if it were a slideshow
  • “ ADD TO FAVORITES ” We will add the viewed place to our favorites.
  • “ SEE PLACES ON MAP ” We will see the places for which images are available highlighted on a world map. zooming in on specific areas will show us many more photographed places.
  • “ INFORMACIÓN ” information will appear, in Spanish, about the photo we are viewing. Connect with the WIKIPEDIA definition .
  • “ BUSCADOR ” we can search, by name, for the place in the world that we want and see if it is part of UNESCO's world heritage.

At the bottom of the screen we have a kind of directory that locates the photo we have on the screen. Start with WILD FRIENDS / WILDLIFE / TYPE OF ANIMAL / .This option is very interesting since it allows us to delve much deeper into the type of animal that we are consulting. Clicking on these directories will show us images of animals from the subdirectory that we have marked in blue. Also, in the lower right part the "C" button appears with which we can know the author of the photo and learn more about him.


From this menu we can share the app through different platforms.

We can also configure the slideshow options by adjusting times, repeat mode

We have access to the HELP of the application and we can also empty the CACHE of photos, which is important since each image that we see will be stored in the phone's memory, thus occupying megabytes of our memory. It is advisable to empty the CACHÉ from time to time.

We encourage you to download it and relax watching the impressive images of animals that this great app offers us.