Here we have two ways to find a phone:
In it we see a search engine at the top to enter the term of which we want the telephone number. If we press it, two search engines will appear:
In the top (FIND) we will put the name of the restaurant, hospital, company that we want to find.
In the bottom (NEAR) we can change the area in which we want to track to find the phone number, if we don't want it to search for it in our geolocated area. The phone located near the specified area will appear.
Back to the main screen we can do a search saying, out loud, what or who we want to get the phone number of.
When pressing it, the first thing we must do is configure our language by clicking on the language « ENGLISH » that will appear under the microphone.
Once configured, we will say what we want to search for, and once said, a list of numbers will appear.
In this list of numbers that appears we can do three things:
- ADD TO FAVORITES: By clicking on the star we can add it to our favorites list to always have the phone “at hand”.
- GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HIM: If we click on the name of the owner, or company found, we will access his information in which we can see his phone number, location, sites related websites, we can share it on different social networks, import to our contacts, report errors.
- CALL: By clicking on the circular button with a green telephone that appears to the right of each company, or listed owner, we can make a direct call by telephone or using SKYPE .
If we want to do a new search by voice, we just have to press the "microphone" button that appears to the right of the search engine, at the top of the screen.
Now we are going to detail the function of each of the buttons in the submenu that appear at the bottom of the screen:
- SEARCH: with it we can search for any phone that is publicly available.
- FAVORITES: A list will appear with the telephone numbers that we have cataloged as favorites.
- AMIGOS: If we link our FACEBOOK account, we can know which friends use this app and which favorites they have.
- ADJUSTES: We can log in with FACEBOOK, invite friends from the same social network, access the terms of use, tutorial
An APPerla that has become indispensable in our iPhone.