The term aberration has different meanings, all depending on the context in which it is implemented. The use that people normally give it is to refer to an anomaly that occurs in the face of what is considered legal or normal. According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the word aberration can refer to a very serious error associated with the ability to understand. Officially it is applied to refer to a highly complex error that is related to the capacity of understanding that an individual possesses, acting in a perverse way, which is very far from what can be considered as a lawful action.
In general, this word is used to indicate all those behaviors or attitudes taken by a person and that do not have to do with the natural or ordinary. For example, if a father sexually abuses his son, it is classified as aberrant since it goes outside the accepted and legally permitted parameter. In addition, this term can also be used when there is a serious mistake on the part of reason, and it is when, for example, an idea that represents an evil or danger to the common good. In the same way, it is applied to name the common deviation that occurs in certain situations and that can be physiological or morphological in nature.
On the other hand, within optical systems such as prisms and mirrors, an aberration is considered to be the degradation of images that occurs when the light that originates from a certain point of an object does not converge at a point unique after they are transmitted through a system.
In the world of astronomy the term of aberration of light is known, with it a phenomenon is described in which a star can be observed from a point that is not the real one. This discovery was made in 1725 by the scientist James Bradley, this thanks to the fact that he was investigating the distance that existed between the planet earth and a star, when this scientist made this comparison he observed that fixed stars do not have any related translation with the movement of the planet, which was thought at first.
It is also known what are the chromosomal aberrations, it occurs when the egg is in the first stages of division or when meiosis occurs, all this causes a certain abnormality that affects the number of chromosomes or their composition, which can generate various disorders such as Down syndrome, just to name one of the most common.
Sexual aberration for its part, within psychology, is a sexual behavior of certain people characterized by the fact that said subject reaches sexual arousal with acts considered bizarre or unnatural. It is important to note that such individuals can cause damage physical or psychological Who are applied his days, enjoying this way of sex. It should be noted that the fact that a person includes uncommon elements within a sexual relationship does not make it a sexual aberration, since experts consider that a sexual life can be normal if it satisfies the person and it has the ability to make it more flexible. and to enrich that relationship.