Etymologically the word acne derives from the Latin acne , and this in turn from the Greek "ἄχνη" which means foam, rasp, chaff. Acne is a disease, also known as common acne or acne vulgaris, this is caused mainly by an oil, called bait, which moistens the hair and skin, emitted by the sebaceous glands, also called oil glands, and this when mixed with dehydrated skin and bacteria create a plug that blocks the pore; In other words, it is a skin disorder that occurs through different types of bumps such as pimples, whiteheads, pimples and cysts, and that frequently appears on the face, mainly in the area of the forehead, chin, and around the nose and often also in the upper part of the chest and back, that is, in those areas where there is a high density of sebaceous glands.
The people most prone to acne are adolescents, because at puberty these sebaceous glands begin to produce this oil or sebum blocking the pores; These obstructions may have white or black tips. Although it should be noted that this disease can be suffered by people of all ages and of all races, but as already mentioned it is more common in adolescents.
There are several types of acne such as papular acne, cystic acne, childhood acne, premenstrual acne, among many others; and there are also several types of pimples such as whiteheads that are pimples that stay under the surface of the skin; blackheads that are pimples that rise to the surface of the skin and appear black; Papules, These small bumps are pink in color and can hurt to touch; Pustules are red underneath and have pus on top, etc.
En cuanto al tratamiento para este trastorno, existen desde antibióticos tanto orales como tópicos que necesitan ser tomados durante meses para mostrar resultados; además las píldoras anticonceptivas que pueden regular las hormonas y ayudar a controlar esta enfermedad; también el Roaccutan es muy efectivo en casos severos de acné, entre otros tratamientos, que cabe resaltar que ninguno de estos es instantáneo y puede tardar hasta dos meses para ver los primeros resultados.