It is defined as workplace harassment or also known as moral harassment at work, the action carried out by a person or a group of them that lead to produce fear, terror, contempt or discouragement in the worker, causing some damage in the work to the person who suffers it. This occurs when an individual or group of them who receive unjustified psychological violence through the implementation of negative and hostile acts at work by external social groups, their colleagues or their own subordinates, and even their own superiors. This behavior usually has the objective of intimidating him in order to better subject him to his designs or, failing that, that the affected person leaves work permanently.
As expected, within the scope of work, each person acts responsibly, fulfilling their obligations and working as a team with colleagues. However, this is not always the case in all cases. Since there are occasions in which a worker can be a victim of workplace harassment and it occurs at the time when another employee or the boss is dedicated to intimidating said person.
On the other hand, in the English language it uses the term “mobbing” to refer to the excessive pressure and symbolic violence that is exerted within the work environment, against some individual or group of them. The person who is affected by this type of situation can be tormented with comments in bad taste or hear repeatedly exaggerated criticism regarding the performance that he carries out in his job. Generally, the objective of the harasser is that the victim ends up quitting his job or that, failing that, changes his behavior, and it is contrary to the personal interests of the harasser.
For his part, with respect to the harasser, generally, he implements workplace harassment, against that person who appears as a direct competition towards him or who could unseat him from a relatively comfortable position. Another form of workplace harassment occurs when the harasser wants to scam a co-worker.