
What is activism? »Its definition and meaning


According to various sources, the word activism has two meanings where one of them states that activism is that activity promoted in favor of a certain doctrine, party among others. Or for its part, this term can be defined as the ideology, doctrine and behavior of each of the active members of a given organization, society, party or body that supports, protects and practices violence, either for political, economic or religious purposes. or social. Activism that is also known as "militancy" in a general sense can refer to extreme dedication, dedication or consecration in the face of a particular line of public action, in the different areas that a person can develop.

In the press, the word activism is widely used as a synonym for protest or demonstration, since generally when it comes to activism it is kept in mind that they are a set of elements referring to somewhat organized actions that have as a purpose or end, change in a certain community, proposed by them, assuming that this change would mean an improvement.

In the field of politics, activism can be related to militancy for a cause, and it is in this area where activism has the greatest predominance together with social, where it defends possible opinions on the matter or question that concerns it.

The functions of activism can vary, because it encompasses functions such as writing and sending letters, holding meetings or different expressions to the press and different political figures, even placing bombs in public places; This means that they have different levels of militancy or militancy, but it should be noted that the most common are street protests.