It is a set of ancient techniques used in the field of alternative medicine, especially Chinese medicine, which consist of the stimulation of certain regions of the body, one of the techniques of this modality of natural medicine that is most applied In the world, it is the one that uses small needles as the main tool, which must be introduced into certain areas of the body already established, in order to relieve pain, and even some diseases. Since ancient times, acupuncture has been used by the society of the eastern world for thousands of years, however currently this practice has been transferred to the western regions of the planet, being used by millions of people.
Experts affirm that it was created in China in 100 BC, however there are data that indicate that it was already practiced before, during its history, it had ups and downs, its popularity depending on factors such as politics and the acceptance of it by the doctors of the time, later in the sixth century it spread to various Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, and then spread to the European continent. Its history in the American continent begins in 1900 when it is taken to the United States and some countries in the region.
The effects of acupuncture on health according to experts are very varied, among which can be included, the increase in fertility, since it is believed that this technique can decrease the hormones responsible for generating stress, which are blamed for being infertility elements, in addition to this acupuncture has the ability to increase the movement of blood to the male reproductive organ which facilitates the fertilization process, in addition to this it can also help regulate menstrual periods in women.
In the case of pain in the back area, experts say that it has the ability to greatly alleviate the intensity of pain, since its application can make the body produce analgesics naturally. Studies carried out in China have shown that it has the ability to reduce certain symptoms of anxiety, if applied in conjunction with certain medications.