
What is adoption? »Its definition and meaning


The Latin word "adopt" has the same meaning when translated into Spanish, adoption, conjugating with the Latin verb "optare" which can be translated as choose, choose or desire, that is, that is chosen, chosen or desired to someone or something in an action to link it to its core.

Adoption in a legal environment is a judicial decision, in which a specific and defined family chooses a child or adolescent, to make him or her part of their family as their son or daughter, in a complete and definitive way. It is recognized as an artificial filiation, since in most cases there is no relationship between the adopted and those who adopt, which are conditioned by the fact that it is a child biologically alien to what would be a child of its own, but that it comes to have all the rights of a natural child.

Adoption is a means that the State uses to support a home and the way to protect a child or adolescent from the conditions of a bad life, the State gives the approval of the condition of parent-child relationship loyally and perpetually Couples who have passed the various requirements and prerequisites for this, such as having good health, not having a criminal record or good financial stability among others. The age of an adoptee is before reaching the age of majority, in special cases it can be before reaching 20 years of age, and they can choose a simple or full adoption.

Simple adoption is where the adopted child becomes a legitimate child and belongs to the adoptive family, but without changing his surname with which he was registered at birth, that is, he will not bear the surname of his adoptive parents and will not have any right to testament with respect to natural children. Full adoption is without any distinction of a natural parentage, which when a child or adolescent is adopted, he, as a legal adoptee, becomes a natural child and changes his surname with which he was recognized by the surname of his adoptive parents, having all the requirements and rights of a natural child.

This way of including a human being without having any blood bond, comes from Roman times when a stranger was included in the family nucleus, as a legal and legal act and that is still being done today. Going one step further by accepting same-sex opportunities for children, this is called homoparental adoption.