
What is eagerness? »Its definition and meaning


The word eagerness is a term we use to indicate the fervent desire that someone experiences regarding someone or something.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) the concept of Eagerness can be used in different ways, the term could come from toil, a verb that can refer to dedicating oneself to work, to carrying out an activity with effort.

Do something with the desire to dedicate time, focus and energy to what you are doing, which can be a physical activity: “You worked as an electrician for more than a decade to pay for your house” or “You ran with enthusiasm and managed to win the race "; or mental activity: "With great eagerness I must save because the money will not reach me at the end of the month" or "I strive to think of the best alternative for my future" or be an uncontrollable desire: "I have the desire to dedicate all my time to medicine and I will not stop until I get my desired title ".

The desire for profit is what guides any company dedicated to the manufacture or marketing of products.

Eagerness, although it is good when the end is noble, can lead to seeking means that are not moral or legal to achieve it, for example: “In his desire to earn money, he did not hesitate to swindle the company in which he worked for many years ".

Generally when an individual has a goal, that desire for something or someone to awaken in us leads us to do things for them that a priori could be unthinkable, that in another situation, or for another person, we would not be able to do.

It is also for this reason that the concept is closely related to love, friendship, particular interests, among other topics.

Parenting is one of the most difficult and delicate tasks of our species, and it is not uncommon for children criticize their parents for not having done well, even when they act with good will. We can say, therefore, that very often parents are wrong in their desire to guide their children, and they get them to oppose and do exactly the opposite of their wishes.

A political leader, on the other hand, can be criticized for his "drive for wealth and power." In this case, it is considered that the politician in question has no vocation, since he does not intend to contribute to the development of his community but, on the contrary, seeks to enrich himself. Therefore, this person would use political activity only to earn money.