
What is agrammatism? »Its definition and meaning


This term is related to the problem of not being able to correctly use the grammatical link and its norms, it is a neurological disorder in which individuals are not able to put words together to form syntactically appropriate series, they tend to shorten the vocabulary when deleting the articles (the, el), prepositions (a, para, con), conjunctions (y, que) etc., when making sentences, and tend to alter the way the words are ordered.

This neurological disorder affects those who suffer from non-fluid aphasia. The Aphasia is a neurological disorder caused by a lesion in the brain that affects the individual who previously could speak properly. For some students of the subject, the agrammatism presents two aspects: the agrammatism of morphological predominance and the agrammatism of syntactic predominance; in the first the order of the words is preserved, in the second the order of the words is modified. Experts consider that patients with syntactic predominance agrammatism are going to be subjected to the most intense structural levels of the language, while morphological predominance agrammatism would be built on a disorder in the most superficial level of language, therefore it would be treated of twoextremes and not of two conclusive categories coming from a true independence in the syntactic and morphological articulation.

On the other hand, the presence of agrammatism in school-age children is very frequent, young children tend to disorganize the superficial aspect of language, which causes an alteration in the way of dialogue, especially when children are beginning to speak. Although at the beginning this behavior is natural for parents, it is important that they are attentive to these language disorders of their children since if they are not treated in time the problem can become more complex and more difficult for the treating therapist.