The Cyrillic alphabet was first developed by the Cyril and Methodian missionaries in the 10th century. It is based on the Greek alphabet and has characteristics of the Glagolitic alphabet whose pronunciation is entirely Slavic. Cyril and Methodius, being apostles, implemented this alphabet in order to translate biblical texts, in the cultural environment of the Slavic community.
As has been observed, the Cyrillic alphabet descends from a long time ago. Many of the dialects have been derived from other ancient languages, some are still preserved, while others have already become extinct, but of course, very different from how they were spoken long ago. The Cyrillic is based on the Greek and the Glagolitic.
This alphabet is used in many Uralic languages and Iranian languages. It should be added that in each group of languages where the Cyrillic alphabet generated great influence, expressions of the alphabet are used, either to a greater or lesser extent, always coupled to each dialect, in a different way.
According to the scholars of the time, the Cyrillic alphabet presents origins of the Glagolitic alphabet (Old Slavic), however, whatever the case, the design of the letters is simpler in Cyrillic than in Glagolitic.
The Cyrillic alphabet features 43 letters and in countries like Ukraine, Bulgaria and Serbia it is practiced with Orthodox Christianity.
In the case of the Russian dialect, it uses a certain variant of the Cyrillic alphabet in its alphabet, adjusting each mixture of syllables with the pronunciation of each dialect, which in this case would be Russian.
Currently there are approximately 35 languages that are based on the Cyrillic alphabet, some of them have already been mentioned. Similarly, there is another set of languages that are spoken and written only by small groups of people and most of them are dying out.
It is important to note that if you ever have the opportunity to travel to any country Slav, it is possible to reach contact with this alphabet. Hence the importance of learning a little more about him.