Algae are living organisms made up of eukaryotic cells, thanks to the presence of mitochondria, they carry out the process of cellular respiration, within their chemical composition chlorophyll is present that gives it that dark green color, this allows the algae able to carry out photosynthesis; They are located below the maritime territory, therefore they are the most abundant type of plants that exist on Earth, This gives them the responsibility of capturing more solar energy to transform it into oxygen. This population of plants is very abundant, so much so that more than 20,000 different species of algae have been identified, their characteristics vary according to their size, photosynthetic pigmentation and cell structure; There are algae that are characterized by being conjugated with little pigmentation, therefore their photosynthetic performance is insufficient, this characteristics makes them considered as parasites of the oxygen produced by others of the same genus.
Those algae that have little pigment have found it necessary to live at the expense of egalitarian organisms or even superior to it such as: fungi, corals, annelids and other marine organisms that have no problem in terms of the energy capture process. Algae are also found in areas other than maritime territory such as: soils, rivers, lakes and the polar areas; According to the way in which they develop, algae can be classified into two groups: epiphytes, they develop one on top of the other pre-existing, endophytesone plant grows inside another forming a shell of numerous algae leaves. Within the group of algae is included the "phytoplankton", this is a microscopic algae that are completely dispersed in sea water, it is represented as the main source of food for many animals that live in the ocean.
Algae are used for the bacteriological study of a suspicious sample, thanks to these plants it is possible to have a gelatinous composition known as "agar"; These agars are the culture media in which the suspected sample is incubated for after one or two days the bacterial growth that the sample has is observed.