
What is anal? »Its definition and meaning


The term anal is the plural of "anal", a word that derives from Latin thanks to the fact that it is made up of voices from this language such as "annālis", which comes from "annus" which means "year", plus the suffix " al ”which refers to“ relative to ”. Annals are understood to be that annual publication or dissemination in a concise manner in which each of the most relevant historical events or events of the year are reflected; or on the other hand, it can also refer to the periodic disclosure in which events and chronicles of a scientific, cultural or technical nature are compiled.

The annals are a kind of historical record where certain annual events are exposed, despite this it differs from the yearbook since an anal is mostly historical in nature, that is, they have already passed, on the other hand, a yearbook has the event that are about to happen.

The origins of the annals date from the time of Ancient Rome, referring to two passages of the Roman jurist, politician, philosopher, writer, and orator Cicero also known as Marco Tulio Cicero who were De Oratore, ii. 12. 52 and Servio ad Aen. i. 373; that throughout time have been the subject of controversy.

As stated by this philosopher and politician, from the beginning of the city's history until the pontificate of Publio Mucio Escévola (131 BC), the main priest of the College of Pontiffs, Pontifex Maximus was dedicated to making a series of records on a table or album that he exhibited in a public place in his house so that they could be read by visitors. It should be noted that in these times of Marco Tulio Cicero these records were called by the name of "Annales Maximi."