
What is amphitheater? »Its definition and meaning


Structure that can have a circular, oval or similar shape and that has steps, from where the public can observe different types of events. We can also describe it as an architectural structure that was built in ancient Rome, originally used for gladiator fights, but also for cultural or political events.

The oldest amphitheaters date from the 1st and 2nd century. And it is known that these buildings have nothing to do with the architectures created in Greece or Asia Minor.

Probably the most recognized amphitheater in the world is the Roman one, it had the capacity to hold up to 5000 spectators and contains approximately 80 rows of stands, and it was in this space that the most violent spectacles in which gladiators fought, both with other gladiators, were recorded. as well as countless animals.

These arose at the time of the Roman Empire to host fights between gladiators, sports competitions and other shows. According to historical records, the first amphitheaters were built in the late 2nd century. In those amphitheaters, the low areas were used for administration officials. In the center were the commoners, while the upper sectors were occupied by individuals without rights and women.

Throughout history, several architectural works have been discovered in Europe that represent amphitheaters created in old age, a total of 75 ruins of these constructions have been found, all created in what was the Roman Empire, that is why Germany is possible, Algeria, Austria, Croatia, Spain, France, Italy, Libya, Morocco, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Tunisia are among the countries that have discovered amphitheaters. Of all these countries, most of the amphitheaters are Italy with 20 amphitheaters, France with 15 and Spain with 14.

Today, in various cities of the world you can find replicas of these ancient amphitheaters that were built and are built in a modern way, with a series of architectural changes and ornaments so that people can attend different cultural events. Just as there are some in universities that serve as meeting places for both students and teachers to give conferences and events of great importance.