Wild animals are those that live naturally within forests, jungles, deserts, etc., throughout the world, some can even live near houses built in small wooded patches. Taking care of a wild animal requires a lot of dedication and great knowledge, in most cases it is impossible to keep a wild animal in captivity without showing or stress or manifesting needs that cannot be met while in captivity.
However, it becomes difficult for an expert with years of experience and knowledge on the subject, to be able to make a wild animal adapt to being in captivity, because as docile and tame as it seems, it will always show some degree of stress while in captivity.
It is quite difficult to satisfy the nutritional needs of a wild animal when it is in captivity since its food source usually varies between a large amount of food, which depends on the time of year and the reproductive cycle of the species. On the other hand, the exact amount of health care that this requires is not known, so it is very difficult to know at what time you will need medical assistance, since generally your instinct prevents you from showing manifestations of weakness or any symptoms until you actually find them very sick.
Among the wild animals that are most used as pets are: turtles, boas, tigrillos, toucans, parrots, parakeets, setilleros, goldfinches, monkeys, raccoons, yigüirros, iguanas, among others.
When a wild animal in captivity grows, it becomes bigger and stronger, making it more difficult to care for and handle it, which means it is highly dangerous for people. Upon reaching sexual maturity, the animal becomes a problem since it makes a lot of noise, destroys what it gets on its way, attacks, bites and is somewhat jealous of one or all the people it meets.
More than 95% of wild animals that are traded as pets come directly from the forest. Each of the animals that make life in forests has a function, which is generally directly or indirectly related to other wild species.