The word consent derives from Latin roots, especially its origin lies in the voice “annŭens” or “annŭentis”, which means “consent”, alluding in this way to a form of consent, the latter described as action and effect to consent, this explanation of the term can be established in the great dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy. On the other hand, various sources state that the word comes from the Latin entry “adnuere” or “annuere” referring to “making affirmative gestures or movements with the head", Then positioned a prefixed verb over" anuere ", this of little use and in opposition to this, there is the Latin voice" renuere "also described as a prefixed verb, which means" withdraw the agreement by making negative gestures with the head ".
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Therefore, it can be said that consent is that consent, approval, authorization, permission or license to do something in particular. This word is widely used when it comes to having the need to provide written consent to a person or individual, therefore, when this is the case, it is used to make what is known as a "letter of consent", this is a document which is also often called a “consent document”, in which the person who has a given legal power over something in particular certifies through this signed document that he or she grants permission or authorization to another person to proceed with a certain act; thus this letter transmits and establishes the consent expressed by an individual in writing. It should be noted that the letter of consent is used mostly in legal aspects, which includes the signature of each of the parties.