Nicknames colloquially known as nicknames are those with which many friends call a member of the gang, referring to him in a different way than his own name.
The nicknames or nicknames that are most used in the colloquial language are generally related to body features: fat, skinny, black, etc. Its use can be simply appealing, but also discriminatory or aggressive. The subject who receives the nickname, on the other hand, may take it positively, indifferently, or with anger.
Name that is given to a person instead of his own and that, generally, refers to a defect, quality or particular characteristic that distinguishes him. Another example: the man of confidence was very ugly, very clumsy and very rude, which was known since birth by the nickname Caramala, and he deserved it.
However, it is important to highlight the very common popular offensive nicknames. These, in addition to hurting a person's feelings, can cause serious psychological consequences, especially during the most delicate stages of our development, such as childhood and adolescence. In an ideal world, no one would call another person a term that denotes any physical defect or mental disability; but the reality is that these are the most common nicknames.
In the academic context, it is also common for students to name their professors. However, these types of nicknames generally have a humorous note. Nicknames can also be positive. In fact, in the musical context, we can observe the case of Rocío Jurado who was and is known by the nickname of "the greatest" or also, Bruce Springteen known colloquially as the Boss. In this type of case, a nickname acquires such great significance that the public identifies the person directly in this way, as well as by name.