
What is sand? »Its definition and meaning


Sand is understood as the remains of rocks that are fractionated and found in certain areas. These, in turn, could join together and form new minerals, which consolidate over time, forming those creations called sandstones. The size of each grain of sand ranges between 0.063 and 2 mm; They can be classified according to the dimensions they present, being baptized as silt and gravel, because they have measures below the established measures and the second because they have some above them. Not all types of sand are the same, therefore, their components vary according to the area in which they are found; for example, in places where substances dominatelike iron, they disintegrate over time and join with the other elements of the sand.

The appearance of the sand can also change; This is due to the type of rock from which this natural object comes from, an example of which is beach sand, whose most outstanding characteristic lies in its whitish color, with a light touch of brown, however, there is volcanic sand and color, uncommon, is black. Likewise, it is mobilized thanks to the air and water, who take it to different places, forming beaches, dunes, among other things. Contrary to popular belief, sandy soils are ideal for growing different fruits or plants. Likewise, sand is an essential element for the creation of crystals, due to the solidity they can provide.