
What is arithmetic? »Its definition and meaning


The arithmetic is the oldest and simplest branch of mathematics in which developed the main known to man, namely mathematical operations: addition (Sum), Subtraction (Resta), Multiplication and Division. Arithmetic is responsible for performing with numbers and symbolics in conjunction with the aforementioned operations, the development of properties and abilities which can be used in everyday life and study subjects that involve mathematics as a fundamental basis of learning.

Starting with the 4 basic properties, arithmeticians (People who throughout history have dedicated their lives to the study and development of more mechanisms and resolution systems for numbers) have found themselves with the difficult task of undertaking the search for methods to understand the numbers, and thus, in this way, create new operations.

The history of mathematics does not enunciate the term arithmancy specifically in its beginnings, however there are indications that at some point in the Mesopotamian culture its own symbolism (Cuneiform) was configured for the resolution of accounts and exchanges in money matters.

Later, when the Chinese empire took shape 3000 years ago BC The abacus was invented, which is the first “Mechanical” instrument to calculate, count and organize, it was very useful in agriculture and food production.

Arithmetic served as the basis for power systems. An expression of the form a ^ n is called a power, where “a” is the base and “n” is the exponent. Its definition varies according to the numerical set to which the exponent belongs. It is a very useful way to express numbers in large quantities in a more practical and simplified way.

Also from Arithmetic, more symbols and expressions arose in order to simplify numbers, the best known are the cube and square roots, which give a number a simplified version of it, they are ideal to express numbers that are complicated to read, at the time of Solve mathematical problems.

Fractions and percents are also roots arising directly from the first arithmetic symbols.