The word ascension means elevation, ascent, this word is rooted verb ascender, which refers to action up or scale an object to reach a site high. According to this, the word ascension is used in most occasions to describe the moment in which the son of God rises to heaven after spending three days in the tomb, in other words the end of life is schematized. earthly for Jesus of Nazareth to undertake a heavenly life alongside his father God.
In accordance with the aforementioned event, the Catholic Church has prepared a calendar where at a certain time of the year the ascension of Jesus into heaven is celebrated, here not only is the end of the triumph of divine for the son of God framed but also it is the beginning of the ascent of the men towards the skies, after the death. This period in the liturgical year is represented with the color white, it belongs to a division of the Passover and lasts for one day, where celebrations are held to prepare for the arrival of the Holy Spirit.
One of the representative ceremonies is symbolized by a rite that unfolds in the following way, after all the songs dictated by the gospel have finished, the flame that is incandescent in the paschal candle goes out, this fire symbolizes the presence of Christ, to mention that he has risen and is next to his creator.