The word subject comes from the Latin assignatus and are those subjects that together form a career and are taught in study centers, whether schools or universities. There are many that exist among the most popular are: biology, mathematics, literature, English, among others. It should be noted that the subjects are taught by professionals in the area, in addition, they have an hourly frequency. For example, psychology is on Wednesdays from 7 to 9:30. There are subjects that need a specific place to be taught, in the case of biology or gymnastics, which need a laboratory and a free space respectively to carry out the activities.
In many countries of the world the word subject is synonymous with subjects, so they have the same meaning, although they have differences that for many go unnoticed, for example, basic and higher studies are divided into a series of subjects and each in turn of these they have a classroom where the students watch classes with their professors on a set schedule, while when a student carries out a specific project on a topic, this refers to a subject.
It is important to bear in mind that a student in order to graduate, regardless of the study center, must complete the course program, with a score equal to or greater than the minimum established. There is an expression known as pending matter in popular slang and it is when the entire study plan has not been fulfilled but there are hopes to fulfill it and finally approve it.