The diplomatic asylum refers to the granting of temporary shelter for those fleeing their country of origin because of political persecution, this asylum is granted to those sites that agreements or diplomatic agreements are considered an extension of the national territory as For example, the embassies or residences of the ambassadors, as well as the warships that are anchored in foreign ports.
It is a protection that a country provides to the aid of those persons who are the objects of persecution for political reasons or crimes committed in another country, without extradition authorization. The person requesting diplomatic asylum must be in danger of death or of his freedom, and not have any other mechanism that allows him to escape the persecution he suffers.
The person who receives the benefit of diplomatic asylum must avoid developing any type of political acts while in asylum, while the local country provides all sufficient guarantees for the asylum seeker to cross its borders. Once the asylee is out of the country, the country that granted the asylum is not obliged to give him residence in its territory, however, it will not be able to return him to his country of origin, as long as the asylee says so. Diplomatic asylum is contemplated in international law and protected by the signature of the member states of the organization of American states, however it is not mandatory for a country to agree to grant it.
The history of diplomatic asylum dates back to ancient times, where those people who committed an ordinary crime were asylum and not politicians, these people were given asylum in religious temples after several modifications in the laws of At the time, the asylum for bandits was repealed and instead asylum was preserved for political fugitives who are harassed for their ideology and political stance.