Regarding the investigation of terms in the history of Roman Law, Auctoritas Patrum is one of the most complicated that has been, since it consisted of a kind of previously discussed and unanimous decision that despite its informal nature, was required to complete the legal value of a decision made in a trial or event that interfered with Roman society in general, especially in the golden age of the patricians. The Auctoritas Patrum was mainly owned by senators, magistrates and praetors, who through morality and customary law dictated Auctoritas Patrum in ancient Roman politics.
The Auctoritas Patrum could then be defined as an instrument to maintain the balance between the rules dictated by and for society, made law with what is imposed by morality and good customs. A nod, a simple stopping of the discussion to take into account a relevant detail, the possibility of deciding completely through the Auctoritas Patrum a law, was possible, since it was a power, a privilege of the great patricians who held power. in the Roman monarchy.
It was also an important factor in the creation of electoral laws, as the population was emerging, an instrument of control was necessary that generated respect for those who were elected for the dominion of Rome. In the republic the Auctoritas Patrum was already beginning to be taken as a less relevant opinion, as a stamp of tradition imposed by a legal structure conceived in the ties created by a common law and a society united to its laws.
Se nos presenta entonces una compleja etimología de la palabra auctoritas, ya que esta desciende de relaciones con lenguas indoeuropeas que derivan de una conexión entre el latín y otras especies de lenguas nativas de otras regiones, quedando del resultado de una línea de términos: Auctor, Augus y Augustus, que en todas, tienen los matices del control de un poder de la iluminación de las personas que lo poseían. término Auctoritas significa control, decisión obtenida por el poder de dictarla, y este poder era obtenido de la iluminación divina.