
What is balancing? »Its definition and meaning


Rhythmic movement of a person or thing, which seeks a balance or by an act of a voluntary and involuntary natural action, such as the waves of the sea, the rocking of children on a swing or in a seesaw, the balance that it is done to vehicles on wheels for better balance on the roads. We speak of balance to the mathematical operation that is done to the accounts as in accounting.

In chemistry, when balancing an equation in which one or more substances are transformed, when combining them to form new products, 3 types of balancing must be taken into account: trial and error, the oxide-reduction balance known as redox. and the mathematical or algebraic.

In mathematics and accounting there are several types of accounting balancing, such as the trial balance of sums and balances, which is carried out with the purpose and intention of checking the procedure and settlement of movements between bank accounts and payment relationships, having dates of short periods, keeping the daily of the executions that, having all the data verified in a correct way in the daily books and higher, the adjustments based on reality are reflected before the end of each month.

The situational data balance is an orderly report reflecting the movement of assets and liabilities, generating the correct information on a financial, economic and status of a company, business or personnel when required; It is where all the assets, rights and obligations are verified, reflecting what actually exists physically, that is, it shows the most important assets of a company between current assets, non-current assets, as well as current liabilities and liabilities. non-current giving the result of the sums of each of them.

En la parte automotriz se refiere al equilibrio que se busca en cada rueda junto con el rin de un automóvil, hay varias formas de balancear un vehículo haciendo un balanceo estático donde se controla el peso en todas las ruedas, el balanceo dinámico o en movimiento ya sea en carretera o simulando la conducción en una plataforma para ver si el auto presenta vibraciones en el volante, al intercambiar las ruedas se aseguran de tener un correcto desgaste evitan las irregularidades en las ruedas reduciendo el deterioro desigual, en la suspensión, la dirección y los frenos, evitando las vibraciones al conducir.