
What is a bank? »Its definition and meaning


The word Bank has several aspects in the social sphere, however, we will address the one of most economic interest. A bank is a financial entity that acts as a guardian of people's money, as well as performing different administrative tasks with private, business and government financial capital. Banks worldwide offer their services to people in order to generate new payment devices and currency exchange modalities which are a powerful weapon against insecurity, in addition to this, the bank has various mechanisms with which business is carried out with assets and liabilities of companies and people.

Banks deal with the security of people's capital goods, in general, they have a face towards the social mass that generates trust in customers, this allows the movement of money to be provided for various types of businesses. These businesses can be: credits, loans, accumulation of foreign currency for compliance with housing policy laws, among others. Banks are a personal, legal or business administrative tool, they allow the execution of a plan to be done more cleanly, in a more legal way and they base a principle of order and security unique among people.

Banks are mainly divided into two, public banking and private banking, the first are organizations created and operated by the public and financial power of the state, their functions are oriented to the public and social welfare of the population in general, having into account a capital of the state destined to the planning of the administrative banking. Private banking is an organization with the same functions as public banking, but the capital was placed by people or organizations that have no relationship with the government (private capital). All banks offer their products with the purpose that people invest their capital in them, the main ones being savings accounts orChecking accounts, these offer different tools with which the client can pay without having to carry cash with them, such as debit cards and credit cards.