The word Base has a diverse range of uses, which clearly translates as a generic term that can be used in any aspect of everyday life. Its etymological origin resides in Latin and its meaning is " foundation ". From here we can establish that a base is a starting point, the essential element on which something is going to be built, built, projected or formed.
When building a house, we can say that the cement, earth and stone slab that is initially built with the dimensions of the house is a base, because on it the entire structure will be built whose final objective will be a home. Always at the time of construction, it should start with a base, since this is what will define the arrangement of the elements that will make up what is being built, to a base pillars and a wall are added to shape a structure.
In that example and in any type of analogy, it can be concluded that the base is part of the whole, from something physical like a building, to something built with thought like a project. When the parameters, ideas and commitments of a group of people who undertake a business plan are established, they speak of a base that bases the objectives to be achieved in the execution of said plan.
Another way in which we can find the base term in everyday life is in those things that are called as is. A base, in baseball, is that pad to which the player goes after hitting the ball, it is considered that he is safe when he reaches the pad if the ball does not touch him before reaching it. In the military field, a base is that secret or visible location in which the leaders, soldiers and the entire component in general meet to receive orders, refuel resources and weapons and carry out the pertinent planning, the military bases can be anywhere of the world, they can be improvised or established as a fixed place.