
What is betilo? »Its definition and meaning


Etymologically this term comes from the Hebrew "Beth-El" which means "remembrance of the gods", so this word is used to refer to a sacred stone or rock. In the Semitic civilization it is used to name the meteorite particles that fell to the earth, so any raised rock symbolized the presence of the deity and the location of a sacred place. Some of the most famous betyls are: The Greek Omphalos in Delphi, a kind of stone that according to Greek mythology the god Cronos swallowed, thinking it was his son Zeus. The black stone of Pessinonte, related to the cult of the goddess Cibeles and the black stone of the Kaaba located in Mecca.

In the primitive era, men considered stones as symbols of immortality, energy, strength, which were worshiped and revered for their origin, shape or size. For them these kinds of stones had a magical and religious origin. A betyl was a stone without carving or carving, which on many occasions were falls from the universe and which was worshiped as a symbol of a spiritual force. The betyls were given powers similar to magic amulets that served as protection for travelers and sailors, it is said that it protected them from storms and lightning. When a traveler came across a stone of these, it meant that he was in the presence of the goddess Pachamama (mother earth), a goddess venerated by the Incas, which they rubbed with their hands and according to the belief, they deposited all their fatigue and recovered the strength to continue their journey.

The Iberians also used the sacred stones that had magical epitaph writings that protected the deceased from grave robbers, they were also used to maintain contact with those relatives who are no longer in this world. According to the bible, Jacob manages to be filled with spiritual inspiration after laying his head while he slept on the stone, once he woke up he knew that said stone was a sacred portal that connected him with God.

The spiritual force that the betyl stone transmits is a path towards opening a window to a higher spiritual plane or a spiritual connection with God. An example of this is cited by the bible when God calls Simon "Peter", Peter means stone, and not just any stone, but like the betyl or "living" stone on which the holy church stands.