The term biotic is a word commonly used in the field of biology as it refers to everything related to living organisms, how they are characterized and how they interact with other organisms of the same species. It is also known as Biota, which refers to all living organisms: plants, animals and human beings that inhabit a specific area and which in turn are those that make up biotic factors.
These organisms that constitute the biotic environment must subsist and reproduce in an environment with other species, which is why they must have certain qualities and physical characteristics that allow them to compete for food, shelter, etc.
As we have said before, biotic factors are all living organisms that inhabit an ecosystem and are classified as follows: When organisms make their own food, they are called producers. When organisms are not able to make their own food, but eat them when they have already been made, then they are called consumers. And to finish we have those who feed on organic matter in a state of decomposition, these are called decomposers.
We have already studied their classification, now we have to analyze how they are divided, on the one hand we have individuals, which are nothing other than all the organisms that inhabit the ecosystem, then the population follows, which refers to the same organisms but united in one place, and finally we have the community, which is determined by the different interactions between different populations.